Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Welcome to
Affirming Creativity

Your art is the beauty of your soul made visible.

Imagine coloring and stitching your creative dreams easily and effortlessly. Envision how it feels to draw upon the treasured guidance of your inner artist and weave your most inspired life. As a creativity coach, I provide encouragement and share effective processes to guide you to create the possibilities you hold within.

Coaching can help you:

..... Make art with joy and abandon as you once did.

..... Align your art with your inner truth in a deeper way.

..... Discover your unique style and niche as an artist.

..... Become freer of your internal critic so that your art may blossom.

..... Sell your art in an exciting authentic way that fits YOU.

..... Manage the stress or health issues that limit your art-making.

..... Put your art out in the world as a source of:
* Beauty
* Hope
* Healing
* Truth
* Inspiration


I am a creativity and well-being coach, artist, occupational therapist and wife. I personally work with the same challenges that many artists face. I am eager to help you overcome your obstacles and share the brilliance of your work with the world.


I'd love to talk with you about the possiblities that coaching can help you create. Call or email to set up your free 30 minute introductory coaching session. Give wings to your creativity!
